• Events and Webinars
  • Optimizing OpenAPI Definitions for Code & Docs Generation using APIMatic for VS Code

Join our team leads, Faria Rehman and Ali Raza, as they showcase a detailed demo, providing all the insights you need about APIMatic's VS Code Extension.

Join our team leads, Faria Rehman and Ali Raza, as they showcase a detailed demo, providing all the insights you need about APIMatic's VS Code Extension. Discover why VS Code is essential for API development, and follow a step-by-step guide to setting up the APIMatic extension. Explore key features designed to supercharge your API workflow, ensuring efficient validation, linting, and issue resolution for your API definitions.


The key topics covered in the video:


[00:00] Introduction
[00:20] What is APIMatic?
[02:01] Why did we build this extension?
[03:43] What does the extension cover?
[04:05] VS Code Extension Demo