Faria Rehman November 25, 2016

The wait is over! We have added RAML 1.0 and Postman 2.0 to our list of  supported API formats. So grab your RAML 1.0 or Postman 2.0 APIs and start converting them to other formats of your choice or convert your existing APIs to these new formats. Unlike before, you can now also convert your APIs to Postman 1.0.

For this blog, we will be using the APIMatic Calculator API description file as an example. You can grab this file when you export this API from the APIMatic Dashboard to APIMATIC format.

APIMatic now supports API Formats RAML 1.0, Postman 2.0

Export API Description

RAML 1.0

You can import your RAML 1.0 APIs from the Dashboard or you can use our Transformer to convert RAML 1.0 files to other supported API formats. You can even generate RAML 1.0 files from APIs in other API formats using the Transformer.

Navigate to the Transformer and using the Calculator API convert it to RAML 1.0 as follows:

API Conversion

API Conversion

After successful conversion, you will get your converted file in RAML 1.0 format.

 API Transformer

API Transformer
#%RAML 1.0
title: APIMATIC Calculator
version: 1.0
baseUri: http://examples.devapi.dream.press/apps/calculator
- title: APIMATIC Calculator
content: Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
 displayName: Calculate
 description: Calculates the expression using the specified  
     required: true
     displayName: x
     description: The LHS value
     type: number
     format: double
     required: true
     displayName: y
     description: The RHS value
     type: number
     format: double
    description: Success
      displayName: response
      type: number
      format: double
      required: true
      displayName: operation
      description: The operator to apply on the variables
      type: string
      - SUM
      - SUBTRACT
      - MULTIPLY
      - DIVIDE

You can also convert from RAML 1.0 back to other formats as required.


You can now convert back and forth from Postman 2.0 files. Support for converting from Postman 1.0 to other formats has been there for a while. But now we offer support for Postman 1.0 export as well. You can import your Postman 2.0 APIs from the Dashboard or you can use our Transformer to convert Postman 2.0 files to other supported formats.

Go to Transformer and convert your Calculator API to Postman 1.0 or Postman 2.0 as per your choice. For our example we will be converting to Postman 2.0.

 API Conversion in Postman

API Conversion in Postman

After successful conversion, you will get your converted file in Postman 2.0 format

  "info": {
    "name": "APIMATIC Calculator",
    "_postman_id": "a2022ecc-bc18–42bc-9fd4-ccd964606911",
    "description": "Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC",
    "schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.0.0/"
  "item": [
      "name": "Simple Calculator",
      "item": [
          "id": "e95fc07e-85eb-40f3-a59a-99e57a808c0e",
          "name": "Calculate",
          "request": {
            "url": {
              "protocol": "http",
              "host": "examples.devapi.dream.press",
              "path": [
              "port": "80",
              "query": [
                  "key": "x",
                  "value": "undefined"
                  "key": "y",
                  "value": "undefined"
              "variable": [
                  "id": "operation",
                  "value": ""
            "method": "GET",
            "body": {
              "mode": "raw"
          "response": [
              "code": 200

You can directly import this file into your Postman app.

 Postman App

Postman App

After successful conversion, you will get your converted file in RAML 1.0 format.

 Postman App

Postman App

Do you have an APIMatic API definition that also includes test cases? Good news! Exporting to Postman will create completely ready-to-test collection of requests.